About the Owner

My name is Jerry Dearin, founder and owner of NJ Rent A Scooter. I’m a motor­cy­cle enthu­si­ast with a pas­sion for any­thing with two wheels and a motor. Rid­ing for over ten years, I’ve made it my mis­sion to help as many peo­ple as I can obtain their motor­cy­cle license. I believe the more rid­ers on the road, the more aware­ness there is amongst dri­vers, and ulti­mately, the safer we are.

Like any motor­sport, motor­cy­cling can be dan­ger­ous if you don’t exer­cise cau­tion at all times and respect the lim­its of your bike. How­ever, with higher vis­i­bilty than cars, more eva­sion options to avoid dan­ger, and less dis­trac­tions to take your eyes off the road, I feel safer on a bike than I do in a car.

Motor­cy­cle rid­ing itself isn’t dan­ger­ous. It’s the dis­tracted car dri­ver that you need to watch out for.

One of the most dis­tinct things about rid­ing is that noth­ing feels quite like a motor­cy­cle; the thrill of being at one with a two-​wheeled machine that weighs only a few hun­dred pounds is one of the purest ways to get from point A to B, and the risks involved some­times even heighten that enjoy­ment. Per­haps Robert Pir­sig said it best in Zen and the Art of Motor­cy­cle Main­te­nance: “You’re com­pletely in con­tact with it all. You’re in the scene, not just watch­ing it any­more, and the sense of pres­ence is overwhelming.”

Whether or not you care about your car­bon foot­print, a motor­cy­cle is an effi­cient form of trans­porta­tion that min­i­mally impacts the envi­ron­ment. Even if you ride just for the thrill of it, there’s noth­ing wrong with being a lit­tle kind to Mother Nature every once in a while. The sense of free­dom feels more com­plete on two wheels, and rid­ing doesn’t trans­port you to a des­ti­na­tion; it is the destination.

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