Obtain­ing your motor­cy­cle License in NJ
New Motor­cy­cle Law: Restric­tions on Endorsement

Under the bill, if a per­son is issued a motor­cy­cle license for a vehi­cle with a smaller-​size engine — less than231cubic cen­time­ters — they are legally pro­hib­ited from oper­at­ing a motor­cy­cle with an engine dis­place­ment of more than500cc. Sen. Nicholas Sacco (D-​Hudson), the measure’s spon­sor, said the pro­vi­sion ensures that new motor­cy­cle rid­ers are restricted from oper­at­ing vehi­cles with engines that are too pow­er­ful for that driver’s skill level.

  • Bike Engine Size

    Less Than 231cc’s
    Greater Than 231 cc’s

  • Endorse­ment Acquired

    Restricted License up to 500cc
    Unre­stricted License

The bill (S-​736) also cre­ates a new cat­e­gory of low-​speed motor­cy­cles to address the increased use of small motor­cy­cles, and pro­hibits low-​speed motor­cy­cles from being oper­ated on limited-​access inter­state high­ways of pub­lic roads with speed lim­its in excess of35miles per hour. The mea­sure allows the state Motor Vehi­cle Com­mis­sion to waive require­ments for a motor­cy­cle license or endorse­ment for hold­ers of an exam­i­na­tion per­mit if that holder com­pletes a rec­og­nized motor­cy­cle safety edu­ca­tion course. The bill also requires all appli­cants under the age of18to com­plete a motor­cy­cle safety pro­gram as a con­di­tion for licen­sure or endorse­ment. Finally the bill clar­i­fies the times, road­ways and con­di­tions on which hold­ers of an exam per­mit may prac­tice. The bill pro­hibits per­mit hold­ers from oper­at­ing a motor­cy­cle in the dark, car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers and oper­at­ing a motor­cy­cle on the state’s toll roads or lim­ited access highways..

All res­i­dents oper­at­ing a motor­cy­cle in New Jer­sey must have a motor­cy­cle endorse­ment on their exist­ing dri­ver license or a sep­a­rate motor­cy­cle license. A motor­cy­cle per­mit is required before obtain­ing the endorse­ment or motor­cy­cle license..

To Obtain A Motor­cy­cle Permit

  • You must be at least 17 years old
  • Com­plete a motor­cy­cle per­mit application
  • Pass the 6 point ID ver­i­fi­ca­tion (PDF File)
  • Pay a $5 Per­mit Fee
  • Pass the knowl­edge and vision tests to val­i­date your permit

After Obtain­ing Motor­cy­cle Permit

  • Sched­ule an appoint­ment for testing
  • Reserve a scooter for your motor­cy­cle road test date
  • Go to the Dri­ver Test­ing Cen­ter at the sched­uled date and time with a reg­is­tered, insured motor­cy­cle to take the road test
  • Once you pass the road test, you can take your per­mit, ride slip and score sheet to an MVC Agency to receive your license
  • Pay a $24 fee to add the endorse­ment on your driver’s license

Dis­claimer: It is impor­tant to remem­ber that just because you have the endorse­ment on your license; it doesNOTmean that you are ready to ride any­where at any time. You still must think about the skills you learned, under­stand your lim­its, and exer­cise per­sonal responsibility.