NJ DMV Scooter Rental Rates

This ser­vice is for EXPE­RI­ENCED RID­ERS ONLY.
Dis­counts are avail­able for groups of two or more on the same day. The optional road test sim­u­la­tion is highly recommended.

*We no longer ser­vice Salem and Mays Landing

Ensure A Pass­ing Score

$30 Value Included: (expe­ri­enced rid­ers only) Greatly increase your chances of pass­ing the first try with our com­pre­hen­sive road test sim­u­la­tion. We will go over every­thing from the grad­ing sys­tem to how to pass each indi­vid­ual exer­cise. This is not intended to be a replace­ment for lessons on how to ride. New rid­ers should con­tact the MSF to sched­ule an appointment.

  • Driver’s License or Passport
  • Per­mit
  • Hel­met
  • Jacket or Long Sleeve Shirt
  • Pants or Jeans
  • Gloves